Emelia's Support Small business

Recent Trip to Our Stockist: North Queensland Adventures

Emelia recently had the pleasure of embarking on a trip to North Queensland with Ron, visiting some of our most loyal customers. This journey was not just about business, but also about reconnecting with the wonderful people who have been a significant part of our journey at Emelia's The Saucy Australian.

A Heartfelt Reunion at The Humpy Tolga

One of the highlights of the trip was visiting one of our oldest customers, the beloved Giovanna at The Humpy Tolga. It was a heartwarming reunion, and Emelia was thrilled to see her after such a long time. The bond we share with our customers goes beyond transactions; it’s about building lasting relationships and mutual support.

Connecting with Babinda Meat Mart

Another memorable stop was at Babinda Meat Mart, where Emelia spent time with Mark and his team. The dedication and passion they put into their work truly resonate with our values at Emelia's. These visits reaffirm our commitment to supporting local businesses that contribute to the vibrancy of our communities.

Strengthening Community Bonds

At Emelia's The Saucy Australian, we deeply value our partnerships with local businesses. These relationships are the backbone of our operations and play a crucial role in supporting the local economy. Visiting our customers in North Queensland reminded us of the importance of these connections and the positive impact they have on our community.

Why We Value Local Partnerships

Supporting local businesses is more important now than ever. As costs continue to rise, many people are finding it harder to dine out frequently. By purchasing from local businesses, you’re not just buying a product; you’re contributing to the sustainability of local jobs and the vibrancy of our neighbourhoods. Our trip to North Queensland reaffirmed our belief that local businesses are vital to the health of our economy and the well-being of our communities.

A Grateful Partnership

We are incredibly grateful for our partnerships with local businesses like The Humpy Tolga, Babinda Meat Mart and ISP Fish Market. The support and collaboration we receive from these businesses are invaluable. Their commitment to quality and their community aligns perfectly with our values at Emelia's The Saucy Australian. Together, we strive to bring the best products to our customers while supporting the local economy.

Looking Ahead

As we continue to grow and expand, we remain committed to nurturing our relationships with local businesses. These partnerships are essential to our success and to the communities we serve. We look forward to many more visits and collaborations with our loyal customers across the country.

Thank You, North Queensland!

We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all our customers in North Queensland for their continued support and dedication. It’s businesses like yours that make a difference, and we are proud to work with you.

Stay tuned for more updates and stories from Emelia's visits to our wonderful stockists. Together, we can continue to support and strengthen our local communities.

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